Thursday 28 August 2014

10 Points to Cater in an Informal Business Meeting Etiquette

  1. Prepare well for the meeting as your contribution may be integral to the proceedings. If you are using statistics, reports or any other information make sure it has been handed out at least three days prior to the meeting.
  2. Dress well and arrive in good time. Your professionalism is linked to both.
  3. Always remember to switch off a mobile phone.
  4. If there is an established seating pattern, accept it. If you are unsure, ask.
  5. Acknowledge any introductions or opening remarks with a brief recognition of the chair and other participants.
  6. When discussions are under way it is good business etiquette to allow more senior figures to contribute first.
  7. Never interrupt anyone - even if you disagree strongly. Note what has been said and return to it later with the chair's permission.
  8. When speaking, be brief and ensure what you say is relevant.
  9. Always address the chair unless it is clear that others are not doing so.
  10. It is a serious breach of business etiquette to divulge information to others about a meeting. What has been discussed should be considered as confidential.

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