Thursday 28 August 2014

7 Points to cater in an Informal Business Meeting Etiquette

  1. Business etiquette demands that the person calling the meeting (henceforth ‘the chair') should be the most senior or the one with the most direct or urgent interest in the topic at hand.
  2. The chair should decide the time, place and agenda. These details should be confirmed with everyone to make sure all are in agreement and no inconvenience is caused.
  3. The chair must make the purpose of the meeting clear to the attendees, how long it will last and what is expected of them, i.e. particular information or preparation of documents. Failing to relay the proper information is bad business etiquette as it could cause embarrassment.
  4. Punctuality is a must. Keeping people waiting is considered the height of poor etiquette as it abuses their time.
  5. The chair should strive to ensure the meeting stays within a set framework or agenda so that it is kept as short and effective as possible. He/she must keep circular disagreements and the like to a minimum.
  6. The chair should (pre-)appoint someone to record the proceedings; documenting major decisions or action points. This can later be distributed to the attendees for reference.
  7. If the results of the meeting have an effect on others who were not present it is considered proper business etiquette to inform them.

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