Monday 18 August 2014

Stop using 'Colgate', it can cause CANCER !!!

Colgate introduced a new tooth paste named “Colgate Total”. According to the latest information it has a chemical named as “Triclosan” which could be cause of cancer. The toothpaste company explains that Colgate Total includes 0.3 percent triclosan, which wards off plaque and germs harmful for the gums and teeth. The company says that Colgate is also clinically-proven to reduce germs better when compared to other toothpastes available in the market.

Other toothpaste makers like Procter & Gamble (P&G) and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) do not use triclosan in their toothpastes. European Union banned the use of triclosan in any food-related products. It is still a question that whether triclosan is harmful to humans or not. However, FDA have started a fresh investigation to ensure that the chemical is safe to be used in toothpastes.

In 1997, Colgate registered this chemical in order to use in the paste from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) America by committing that they will use this chemical in minute quantity, as in minor quantity it is not harmful. In 2011, Colgate-Palmolive removed this chemical from its soap products.

For more information on what colgate company says please visit:

What is Triclosan?
Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent, it helps to "slow or stop the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mildew," - Environmental Protection Agency. It was initially  started to appear in antibacterial hand soap products in 1970s.

While long-term research in humans is lacking, several studies of the effects of triclosan in mice and rats found adverse health effects at high concentrations, including reduced fertility and increased cancer risk. Triclosan include abnormalities with the endocrine system, birth defects and a weakening of the immune system. A 2010 study showed that children with higher exposures to Triclosan had more high fever.

Following products use Triclosan:

- Colgate Total®; Breeze™ Triclosan Mouthwash
- Reach® Antibacterial Toothbrush
- Janina Diamond Whitening Toothpaste

For more information on Triclosan please visit:

The best opinion is to avoid Colgate toothpaste and other products that contains such harmful ingredient and to make sure to study all the ingredients of products that we are going to use. These minor checks can prevent our lives healthy and can cure us from many health issues.

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