Thursday 21 August 2014

Nail Fungus - A painful disease

1. Tea Tree Oil 
It has Antiseptic and fungicide properties that help a lot in the treatment of nail fungus. This oil is also used to treat other kinds of skin infections.

How to Cure:
  • Take pure tea tree oil
  • With the help of a cotton ball rub the oil on the affected toe and nail for 10 minutes
  • Use a toothbrush to gently scrub the affected nail
Precautions:Before applying the oil on the skin, dilute it by mixing it with equal amount of olive oil or thyme oil.

Gives positive result if the infection is not too old.

2. Baking Soda
It can be used to cure nail fungus.

How to Cure:
  • Take half cup of baking soda
  • 4 cups of hot water
  • One fourth cup of peroxide
  • Half cup of Epsom salts
  • Mix all above ingredients properly
  • Now add one fourth cup of white vinegar to it.
Now soak the affected nail in vinegar for few minutes and then apply this mixture on the nail by using cotton ball and cover it properly with a tape in place. Repeat the process in every 10 hours for about 4 weeks.

If this remedy is followed regularly the fungus on your nail will disappear quickly.

3. Orange Oil
All types of orange oil have antifungal properties and thus it can be used on infected nails.

How to Cure:
  • With the help of a dropper apply orange oil daily between toes, on and under nails
  • Allow it to sit for at least 1 hour.
You can also dilute the orange oil with equal amount of any kind of carrier oil, such as grape seed oil.

Orange oil can cause allergic reactions and can have side effects, it is advisable to test some diluted orange oil on a small spot of skin before applying it to the infected skin area.

4. White Vinegar
One of the best ingredients that can be used in the treatment of nail fungus.

How to Cure:
  • Mix 1 part of white vinegar with 2 parts of warm water.
  • Soak the affected nail in this solution for about 10 - 15 minutes daily until the fungus is gone.
In case of skin irritation add more water to the solution and repeat the process every alternate day.
It is very essential to dry the affected area well after rinsing, otherwise the fungus may spread.

5. Garlic
Garlic contains allicin, which has antifungal properties and thus it can be used to deal with nail fungus.

How to Cure:
  • Use garlic oil mixed with equal amount of white vinegar.
  • Apply this mixture on and around the infected nail
  • Cover the treated nail with an elastic bandage.
  • This mixture can slow down the activity of the fungus within few hours.
Issue in Availability of Garlic Oil:
If garlic oil is not available, you can make your own:

Procedure to Make Garlic Oil:
  • Crush 2 garlic cloves.
  • Add 2 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Mix them.
Leave this mixture to sit for 24 hours.

Helpful Tip:
Eating 1 clove of garlic daily can help a lot in curing nail fungus.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar
It is mild acidic in nature and thus it can prevent nail fungus from spreading. It also fights with germs and kills bacteria.

How to Cure:
  • Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water to make a solution.
  • Soak your nail daily for half an hour in this solution.
  • Dry your nail thoroughly when you are done.
If this remedy is followed daily for few weeks, you can notice improvement very quickly.

7. Anti-Fungal Exfoliating Scrub
How to Cure:
  • Mix coarsely ground rice flour with few spoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply this paste over the affected nail and gently scrub the area.
This remedy will help to get rid of dead skin cells and will keep your skin soft.

1 comment:

  1. Regularly using Listerine for nail fungus, and in couple of months you should notice some growth of a healthy nail.PurNail Reviews
