Monday 13 October 2014

Imran Khan Condoles Deaths - Announced Compensation For Others

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader "Shah Mehmood Qureshi" said that the party chief "Imran Khan" had expressed his sympathies with the bereaved families of Multan tragedy and announced monetary compensation.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Imran Khan had also promised the family's employments in Dubai or Muscat, said to a news channel.

He said Multan had never witnessed a bigger public rally than the one staged by the PTI on Friday (10th Oct 2014). “The people voluntarily turned up in big numbers to participate,” he added.

The incident took place when more people participated in the Jalsa and there was less capacity at the sports complex where the event was arranged. Due to miss-management the people got faint and about 7 people died due to suffocation and crowd. PTI and Government of Pakistan, both are blaming each other for this unhappy incident.

What do you think who is the real one to blame?? Does this blame will resolve the issue of 7 deaths?? Nothing will happen, only the 7 families sufferred that day with their loved ones.

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