Wednesday 1 October 2014

15 Best Health Benefiting Aspects of Apple Cider Vinegar

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar, also known as cider vinegar or ACV is an all-natural product that is made from cider or apple must and takes up to 6 months of fermentation.

Usage and Benefits:
  • Used as a substitute of lemon in food preparations, in sauces, as a dressing for boiled vegetable and salads and as a base of pickles
  • Helps in maintaining the health by preventing chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes
  • Works as an amazing mouth wash, vegetable and meat cleaner, floor cleaner and fabric conditioner

Health Benefits: Preventing Diabetes:

Daily intake of apple cider vinegar helps in reducing blood sugar level and keeping it under control. A regular intake of 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar before going to bed has been shown to lower blood glucose levels by 4 to 6 percent.

Preventing Cancer:

It kills cancerous cells and slow downs their growth and multiplication. Having ACV on a regular basis reduces the risk of esophageal cancer. Pectin found in ACV can prevent the growth of tumors and help prevent prostate cancer. In addition, the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps in cleansing the colon and GI tract there by reducing the risk of colon cancer as well.

Helps in Weight Loss:

It helps in reducing overall weight as well as waist circumference and tummy fat if taken on a daily basis. Have a glass of water with 2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar before your meal and have an amazing toned body.

Improves Cardio-Vascular Health:

Daily consumption of apple cider vinegar helps in improving cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack by lowering triglyceride and LDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol) levels in blood. The acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar helps in burning fat and bad cholesterol. In addition, it also helps in increasing the level of HDL (high-density lipoprotein) in blood. Use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon as a seasoning for salads and boiled vegetables and have a healthy heart.

Improves Bone Health and Relieves Arthritis Pain:

A daily intake of apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve bone health and strength. Being rich in important minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium it is great of improving bone density in children and preventing bone erosion in adults. It also helps the body to absorb calcium from various foods. The potassium present in ACV improves stiffness of bone joints and relieves arthritis pain to a great extent. 

Soothes Sunburn:

The anti-inflammatory agents along with vitamins and minerals present in ACV helps in soothing the irritation, relieving the pain, reducing peeling of skin and ensuring quick recovery.
Dab clean a wash cloth in apple cider vinegar and place it on the tanned areas, let it soak for some time and wash off.

Excellent Mood Enhancer:

Apple cider vinegar acts an excellent energy drink that relieves stress, tiredness and fatigue instantly. The anti-oxidants and minerals, especially potassium present in ACV helps in fighting stress.
Mix 2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled water the next time you feel low.

Helps Absorption of Iron from Foods:

The enzymes and acids present in apple cider vinegar helps in breaking down and absorbing iron from the food we consume so that it can be used by the body in a more effective way. Iron is a key element of hemoglobin that supplies oxygen throughout the body and an increased supply of hemoglobin and in turn oxygen to the body means burning of more calories that is very important for weight loss.

Soothes Sore Throat and Blocked Nose:

The acidic nature of ACV makes it difficult for germs to survive and cures throat infections.
Make mixture of 1/2 cup ACV and 1/2 cup warm water and gargle to sooth soreness of throat. Potassium present in apple cider vinegar helps in unclogging blocked nose by thinning mucus. Mix a table spoon of apple cider vinegar to glass of water and drink it.

Improves Immune System:

Apple cider vinegar helps in maintaining the pH of the body in a steady alkaline state thereby improving energy, and increasing the efficiency of the immune system.
Mix 2 table spoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink thrice a day to fight colds, flues and infections.

Prevents Indigestion:

The acidic property of apple cider vinegar makes it a great natural remedy for treating problems of indigestion. A rich and spicy meal often leaves us with indigestion, belly bloating, acidity and heart burn.
This can be avoided if you can have a mixture of 1 table spoon apple cider vinegar and 1 table spoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water half an hour before a rich and heavy meal.

Cures Diarrhea:

The pectin present in apple cider vinegar adds bulk and fibrous matter. In addition, it also relieves inflammation of colon lining and sooths intestinal spasms.
Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink twice a day for best results.

Getting Rid of Dandruff:

Apple cider vinegar is an effective natural remedy for treating dandruff and itching caused by bacteria and fungal infection on scalp. The anti-inflammatory of ACV helps in curing dandruff while its acidic nature helps in maintaining the pH of the scalp. In addition, it also makes the hair extremely smooth and shiny.
Wash hair with a mild shampoo, mix 2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar and 1/2 cup of warm water and apply it on the wet scalp and hair, massage your head for 2 minutes and let it dry, no need to wash off.

Removes Acne and Pimples:

The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of apple cider vinegar helps in treating skin problems like acne, psoriasis and pimples. ACV helps in balancing skin pH and reducing inflammation and infection. In addition, it also absorbs excess oil from skin which is a major cause for acne and pimple break outs.
Make a mixture of 1 table spoon apple cider vinegar and 2 table spoons of water and apply on face with cotton, let it dry for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cold water to have pimple-free, clear glowing skin.

Lightens Age Spots:

Apple cider vinegar is an effective natural remedy that fights the signs of aging like age spots and marks that are caused by years of exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. The sulfur in apple cider vinegar helps in lightening the marks to a great extent.
Dab a piece of cotton with apple cider vinegar and apply on the marks before going to bed, wash of in the morning. You can dilute the vinegar with water.

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