Friday 17 October 2014

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf(PTI) Rally in Sargodha, Pakistan

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) rally will be held today (Fri, 18th Oct 2014) in Sargodha. PTI Chairman, "Imran Khan" will address workers at the rally where specific precautions have been taken following the Multan tragedy.

20,000+ seats have been placed at the "Sports Stadium Sargodha" where the rally will take place. Special arrangements along with 5 generators will be used during the event.

There are 8 gates at the stadium, 6 will be used by the public, 1 for women and media, while the central gate will be used by PTI Chairman "Imran Khan".

1,500 policemen had been deployed to provide security at the rally where Imran Khan will address participants at 5 PM.

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