Friday 12 September 2014

5 Million Gmail Account Details Hacked !!!

It is adviced to millions of Gmail users by the GOOGLE to change their passwords when it was exposed on an internet site that a database with usernames and passwords was hacked.

Hackers revealed nearly 5 million Gmail account details and passwords on "Bitcoin Security", a popular Russian website devoted to cryptocurrency. The news spread when a user posted a link to the log-in credentials on Reddit. A text file was published on "Bitcoin" on Tuesday night (9th Sep 2014) by a user named "tvskit" according to C News, a Russian news outlet.

It was also in news that the compromised account holders were English, Russian, and Spanish and 60% of accounts were active. The passwords not only give access to Gmail, but other Google services such as Drive and the mobile payment system Google Wallet. So financial services were also at risk after hacking.

"Svetlana Anurova", a Google representative said GOOGLE is aware of the security breach and has advised users to change their passwords. The company also advised users to enable a two-step verification, where users are required to provide a passcode sent to their mobile devices before any changes can be made to their account.

To let users check whether their account has been hacked, a website has now been created with the name of isleaked. URL:
But no one can say that is it authentic or not, as some investigations reveal that it was created on 8th Sep 2014, a day before the Gmail was hacked. The news can be checked at

A Google spokesman, "Caroline Matthews" confirmed to "The Next Web" that "Many of the passwords in question were likely taken from a website other than Google. The security of our users’ information is a top priority for us. We have no evidence that our systems have been compromised, but whenever we become aware that accounts may have been, we take steps to help those users secure their accounts."

The hackers were from Russia and Eastern Europe as they have been involved in a number of recent high-profile security lapses.

The Gmail leak news came soon after 2 other major security breaches leakage news on the same "Bitcoin" forum, which targeted Russian email service prodiver "" and search engine "Yandex". These 2 breaches affected nearly 6 million Internet users.

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