Monday 8 September 2014

Home Remedies - Skin Related Remedies

Below are some home made easy health tips to make your skin better:

Tip For Fair Skin:
  • Take some chickpeas (chane ki daal)
  • Put them in water
  • After some time when they become soft, take them out of water and grind them
  • Now take some milk
  • Mix it with grinded pulses and make a paste
  • Apply the paste on your face for 15 - 20 minutes
  • Wash your face with fresh water
If you apply this paste daily, you will feel that this skincare tip really works and your skin will become fairer every passing day.

Tip For Clear Skin:
  • Take 5 - 6 almonds
  • Take Pinch of turmeric
  • Take 4 cup ground rice
  • Make it into a paste with milk
  • Apply this paste on your face for 20 minutes and wash your face with tap water.
You will see the results in a few days as the spots and scares on your face will vanish.

Tip to Remove Wrinkles:
  • Take 1 tsp gram flour (besan)
  • Take 2 tsp honey
  • Take 2 tsp glycerin
  • Take 3 tsp cream (bakery cream)
  • Mix well all these things in a bowl
  • Apply the paste on your face and neck as well for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off with water.
This skin care tip helps you to remove wrinkles on your skin.

Tip to Remove Pimples:
  • Cut the lemon from center
  • Do continuous massage for 15 minutes
  • After 15 minutes, take some fresh water
  • Put half (1/2) tsp salt in the water
  • Wash your face with this water
Do this process twice a day, it will help a lot in removing your pimples and the scars left by pimples at the same time.

Tip for Pinkish Skin:
  • Take 1 bunch of mint (podina)
  • Wash it well
  • Take 2 liters of water in a pan
  • Pour mint in it
  • Boil it for 20 minutes
  • After the water gets cold, drink it.
You should drink all the water in 24 hours and if you feel that the taste of water is too bitter and you can’t drink it, add some sugar in it. After a week you will feel that your skin becomes pinkish with this skin care tip.

Tip for Dry Skin:
  • Crush 1 tomato
  • Put one tbsp clotted cream (malai)
  • Mix it well.
  • Apply it on your whole face
  • Wash it with Luke warm water (neem garam) after 15 to 20 minutes
This skin care tip is too good to remove dryness from your skin.

Tip for Glowing Skin:
  • Take one glass of water
  • Put 1 tsp honey in it
  • Mix it well.
  • Drink it every morning
This beauty tip for skin is really good and you will feel the results within a week. It removes the extra oil from the skin and glow the skin naturally.

Cleansing of Oily Skin:
  • Take 2 tsp of ground almonds
  • Mix it with 1 cup of arq-e-gulaab (rose water)
  • Blend it for 2 minutes
  • Now put it into a bottle
  • Apply twice a day
You will feel your face clear and no oil on it.

Tip to Remove Dark Circles:
  • Take a potato and crush it
  • Take a soft piece of cloth and put crushed potato on it and cover it
  • Now put it onto your eyes for 15 minutes
  • After few days you will feel remarkable difference
This skincare tip will surely remove your dark circles.

Tip to Remove Black-Heads:
  • Take a lemon
  • Cut it from the center
  • Apply the lemon to your whole face before sleep and leave it for a night
  • Wash it in the morning
The natural use of lemon removes your black heads and skin will become softer.

Tip for Soft Skin:
  • Take fresh milk
  • Apply it on your face with the help of cotton
  • After half an hour wash your skin with chilled water
  • Repeat this easy process daily
Your skin will become soft and shiny as never before.

Tip to Remove Exhaustion From your Skin:
  • Take some water in a bowl
  • Mix with some leaves of mint (or oil of mint)
  • Wash your face with it
It will remove the exhaustion from your skin and you will feel fresh.

Tip to Balance your Complexion:
  • Take 1 tbsp sandal powder
  • Take 1 tbsp tomato juice
  • Take 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Take 1 tbsp cucumber juice
  • Mix above ingredients well to make a paste.
  • Apply it on your whole face and rub it well
  • Leave it to dry
  • Wash your face with chilled water after 15 minutes
This process will definitely balance your complexion tone.

Tip to Remove Sun Burns:
  • Take a tomato
  • Cut it into small slices
  • Rub it on your face
  • You should be away from sunlight while you have applied the tomato paste
  • To get best results, apply it 10 minutes before sleeping
If you are a student or a man/woman who have to go out in sunlight, do this procedure daily so your skin will remain protected from sun burns.

Tip for Healthy Skin:
  • Take 1 papaya
  • Take 1 banana
  • Take yogurt in the same quantity
  • Mix them well
  • Grind the mixture for 2 minutes
  • Wash your face
  • Dry it and then apply this mixture for half an hour
  • Now wash out the mixture with cotton
  • Wash your face again with chilled water
Repeat this process daily as this skin care tip works amazingly.

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